The endodontic motor, commonly known as RCT machine, is a dental equipment which is devised to aid the endodontic procedure, because this facilitates the usage of mechanically driven files. The dental practitioner is able to perform on endodontic canals with enhanced speed and efficiency. The advanced dental machinery is boon for dentists who earlier formed root canals with manually driven instruments taking hours to treat the patient. The segregated parts of endodontic motor include a central unit which controls the entire system , a micro-motor, a contra angle to adapt different files, and a few are available in the market with a foot pedal that allows the dentist to control the functions with the foot.

Nonetheless, top dental equipment companies manufacture a file system which is adaptable to their endodontic motor, the motor is compatible with various other brands file system, leaving aside the case of reciprocating movement (which must be used with motors that support this function).

There are many precursors to be considered before narrowing down to buy an endodontic motor:

  • Programs accessible Endodontic motors are typically available in market with a combo of file system of their own brand, however it should be noted that top-notch endomotors are compatible with files of other manufacturing brands too. Ideally, we should consider purchasing the endomotor of the same manufacturer as of the file sequences.
  • Pedal operated or Wireless When it comes to dentists, they give prime importance to flexibility, convenience and saving upon time. Thus keeping these key features in mind, endomotors come in two categories, one which is driven by a pedal, these can be both wired as well as cordless and the others are absolutely wireless. The latter functions with an on/off switch on the handpiece which ofcourse, makes the procedure easier.
  • Motion- Rotary or Reciprocation Endodontic motors operate on the technique of continuous rotational movement so as to use all files manufactured for this kind for regular motion (Path files endodontics, Pro-taper files endodontics etc.), but a few of these dental equipments perform the function of reciprocating movement, for which reciprocal files or wave one files are needed.
  • Rotary endodontics is capable to deliver exceptional performance since it minimizes the risk of iatrogenic emergencies during the dental procedures such as ledge formation and root perforation. Later with a ground-breaking invention, 4th generation of rotary files were introduced to the dental industry which were designed for reciprocating movement, a more efficient option than continuous rotation.

The upsides of using reciprocating flies are

  • Enhances the longevity of rotary instruments.
  • Reciprocation delivers the cutting quality at par with the rotary.
  • Constructs a glide path which maintains original canal anatomy.
  • Shaping the canals take lesser time.
  • In comparison to rotary motion, dentin cracks produced were either reduced or were almost same in number.

Choose a motor, which lets you alternate or reciprocate rotation if you want to use alternating motion file systems. Alternating or reciprocating is a distinctive attribute which is present in most of the advanced endodontic motors, with different reciprocation angles which the dentist chooses depending upon the treatment.

  • Speed and Torque control To have entire control over the equipment, endomotor comes with the feature to manipulate speed and torque. In Endodontics the usual speed ranges between 150 to 650 rpm. Rapid speeds have better cutting performance, though these are under the risk of separating and fracturing the instrumental tool. Currently, a new methodology is adopted by the dentists wherein slow speed low torque is used, although using an ideal torque would be more advantageous.

    As different file variants have different torque levels, it is advisable to opt for an endomotor which is adaptable to various combinations of speed and torque.

  • Auto functions The latest edition of endomotors have an in-built mechanism of auto-stop, auto-forward and auto-reverse, which aids in accelerating the performance of endodontic procedure along with mitigating the medical complications. Torque in the event of touching the uppermost level, turns the rotation of the file in the opposite direction with the auto-reverse feature, aiding in diminishing the pressure on the rotary file to a good extent. When the extra load is done away with, the motor handpiece retraces to the normal forward rotation.

  • Adaptability with the file system An endomotor which is compatible enough to be utilised with different rotary file system should be purchased by a dentist. Regardless the fact that most manufacturers endorse to use files of their brand for optimum results in the procedures, dentist can forego the recommendation and look for other file variants in the market.

  • In-built apex locator An electronic apex locator is a device which analyses the placement of apical constriction and therefore estimates the length of root canal space. Apparently, with the advent of endomotor with integrated apex locator, a lot of time is saved while performing a root canal procedure. Both the operations of endomotor and apex locator can be undertaken together or simultaneously by just a click of a button.

    Purchasing an endomotor wisely is very significant since it can boost your output taking into consideration that aforementioned factors affect your efficiency and time and not to mention your business. Dentmark , an established name in the dental products industry, supplies innovative and top-notch endomotors on DENTMARK.com at a unbelievable price. Log in to experience an unmatchable range of dental products.